Network Analysis
index of parent directory
Beginning SUSE Linux - From Novice To Professional (2005).chm 26-Jan-2007 15:36 17.1M
Building Secure Servers With Linux (2002).chm 26-Jan-2007 15:37 1.2M
Building Secure Servers With Linux (2003).pdf 26-Jan-2007 15:39 2.8M
Bulletproof Wireless Security - GSM, UMTS, 802.11, And Ad Hoc Security (2005).pdf 26-Jan-2007 15:41 3.3M
Complete Home Wireless Networking - Windows XP Edition (2003).chm 26-Jan-2007 15:44 3.9M
Cryptography And Network Security, 4th Edition (2005).chm 26-Jan-2007 15:54 12.4M
Debian GNU-Linux Bible (2001).pdf 26-Jan-2007 16:00 6.7M
Flash Hacks - 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools (2004).chm 26-Jan-2007 16:04 5.3M
Guide To Assembly Language Programming In Linux (2005).pdf 26-Jan-2007 16:29 30.7M
Hack Proofing Linux - A Guide To Open Source Security (2001).pdf 26-Jan-2007 16:38 11.8M
Hacking Wireless Networks For Dummies (2005).pdf 26-Jan-2007 16:46 11.0M
Hacknotes - Linux And Unix Security Portable Reference (2003).pdf 26-Jan-2007 16:48 3.2M
Hacknotes - Network Security Portable Reference (2003).pdf 26-Jan-2007 16:51 3.6M
Hacknotes - Web Security Portable Reference (2003).pdf 26-Jan-2007 16:54 3.4M
Hacknotes Linux And Unix Security Portable Reference (2003).pdf 26-Jan-2007 16:56 3.4M
Hardening Linux (2005).pdf 26-Jan-2007 16:58 2.6M
Home Networking Bible, 2nd Edition (2004).pdf 26-Jan-2007 17:04 7.6M
How Linux Works - What Every Super-User Should Know (2004).chm 26-Jan-2007 17:05 1.0M
IP In Wireless Networks (2003).chm 26-Jan-2007 17:07 2.6M
IPSec - The New Security Standard For The Internet, Intranets, And Virtual Private Networks, 2nd Edition (2003).chm 26-Jan-2007 17:08 1.6M
Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition (2004).chm 26-Jan-2007 17:10 2.0M
Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux & Fedora, 4th Edition (2004).chm 26-Jan-2007 17:13 4.4M
Learning Red Hat Linux, 3rd Edition (2003).chm 26-Jan-2007 17:16 4.0M
Linux All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies (2006).pdf 26-Jan-2007 17:32 20.1M
Linux Bible 2005 Edition (2005).pdf 26-Jan-2007 17:43 14.6M
Linux Bible 2006 Edition (2006).pdf 26-Jan-2007 17:57 18.3M
Linux Cookbook (2004).chm 26-Jan-2007 17:58 1.6M
Linux Debugging And Performance Tuning - Tips And Techniques (2005).chm 26-Jan-2007 18:00 1.9M
index of parent directory
Wiley.Linux.Bible.2007.Edition.Mar.2007.rar 02-Apr-2007 02:56 9.6M,.789.pages).-.2003.rar 12-Apr-2007 02:59 6.7M
T.Wallingford - Switching to VoIP.rar 30-Mar-2007 02:34 3.4M
SamsInsideNetworkPerimeterSecurity2ndEdition.rar 17-Apr-2007 21:08 8.6M
Sams.Red.Hat.Fedora.Core.6.Unleashed.Dec.2006.rar 11-Apr-2007 23:12 13.9M
McGraw.Hill.Hacking.Exposed.Cisco.Networks.Cisco.Security.Secrets.Solutions.ebook-Spy.rar 30-Mar-2007 01:59 9.8M 20-Apr-2007 06:38 7.4M
J.Turnbull - Pro Nagios 2.0. 2006.rar 17-Apr-2007 20:20 3.0M
Focus_On_SDL.rar 30-Mar-2007 20:00 7.5M 20-Apr-2007 06:24 8.1M
ComputersNetworkingUnixSolarisTCPIPNetworkAdministration.rar 17-Apr-2007 21:06 2.6M
Cisco.Press.Firewall.Fundamentals.Jun.2006.rar 17-Apr-2007 21:15 10.1M
Cisco Cookbook.rar 17-Apr-2007 20:19 1.4M
Auerbach.Practical.Hacking.Techniques.and.Countermeasures.Nov.2006.eBook-BBL.rar 29-Mar-2007 10:16 70.2M
index of parent directory
(Computers) Cheswick, Bellovin & Rubin - Firewalls And Inter.pdf 02-Mar-2005 16:55 57M
Analise.Seguranca.pdf 10-Dec-2002 22:23 89K
Brent.Chapman-Elizabeth.Zwicky-Building.Internet.Firewalls.tbz 02-Mar-2005 16:55 1.6M
Brent.Chapman-Elizabeth.Zwicky-Building.Internet.Firewalls/ 02-Mar-2005 16:55 -
Bruce Schneier - Applied Cryptography, Second Edition.pdf 23-Mar-2005 10:47 3.0M> 02-Mar-2005 16:55 8.7M 02-Mar-2005 16:55 2.5M
Cricket.Liu-Paul.Albitz-DNS.and.BIND.tbz 02-Mar-2005 16:55 931K
Cricket.Liu-Paul.Albitz-DNS.and.BIND/ 02-Mar-2005 16:55 -
DES-demo/ 04-Aug-2004 11:50 -
FIRST-2002-web.sec-bakalov.pdf 07-Oct-2005 23:10 1.9M
Firewalls and Internet Security - Repellin Wiley the hacker.pdf 02-Mar-2005 16:55 57M
Garfinkel-Schartz-Spafford-Practical.Unix.and.Internet.Securi..> 04-Oct-2004 19:20 2.4M
IPfilter-conf.LAS-ate-jan1999.txt 29-Apr-2000 13:04 6.9K
IPfilter/ 11-Dec-2002 10:41 -
IPv6-SSI.2003-cleymone.pdf 06-Nov-2004 01:24 1.1M
Linux.para.firewalls.pdf 10-Dec-2002 22:25 294K 02-Mar-2005 16:55 381K
Marcus.Goncalves-Firewalls.complete/ 02-Mar-2005 16:55 -
Oreilly.Linux.Security.Cookbook.eBook-LiB.chm 02-Mar-2005 16:55 657K
Prentice_Hall_-_IPSec_The_New_Security_Standard_for_the_Inter..> 02-Mar-2005 16:55 1.7M
Richard.Stevens-TCP.IP.Illustrated-Vol.1-scan.pdf 07-Apr-2004 19:18 89M
Richard.Stevens-TCP.IP.Illustrated-Vol.1.pdf 30-Apr-2004 23:07 2.7M 04-Aug-2004 11:39 257K
SimpleActiveAttackAgainstTCP-LaurentJoncheray-UsenixSec95.txt 11-Mar-2003 20:28 45K
Stewart.Miller-Wi-Fi.Security.pdf 02-Mar-2005 16:55 5.6M
analogia imunológico-segurança.pdf 10-Dec-2002 22:30 93K
buffer-overflow.txt 12-Apr-2003 01:10 52K
fc.pdf 29-Apr-2003 21:06 1.2M
filtro.estados-emilio-2ed.pdf 22-Oct-2004 23:19 99K
filtro.estados-emilio.pdf 01-Apr-2003 18:42 256K
firewall.slides-joao.porto-hugo.souza-arthur.castro.pdf 10-Apr-2002 14:54 493K
forense.computacional.pdf 10-Dec-2002 22:24 139K
fw.cooperativo-emilio.pdf 01-Apr-2003 18:33 133K
ipchains-DMZ-sonnenreich.txt 04-May-2001 16:00 4.8K
ipchains.testes-paulo.2000.0718.1449.txt 10-Dec-2002 22:22 5.6K
ipfilter-DMZ-sonnenreich.txt 04-May-2001 16:05 16K
ipfilter-noDMZ-sonnenreich.txt 04-May-2001 16:03 5.8K
joao-politica.seguranca-resumo.txt 25-Feb-2003 20:59 6.3K
netfilter-arthur.pdf 04-May-2005 19:02 291K
netfilter-arthur.sxi 21-Nov-2003 08:20 36K
netfilter.sxi 06-Nov-2004 12:42 96K
nmap-iuri/ 03-Nov-2003 16:13 -
novas.tecnologias.firewall.pdf 10-Dec-2002 22:24 694K
ntseg-simone-guidugli-vrcarval.pdf 09-Apr-2001 17:49 157K
politica.seguranca-resumo.txt 20-Feb-2003 19:01 6.3K
secure_programming/ 02-Mar-2005 16:55 -
shimomura-mitnick.descricao.txt 28-Apr-1999 15:46 18K
srac2-pf.pdf 10-Nov-2006 21:05 15M
taxonomia-20040504 04-May-2004 08:57 44K
taxonomia.bastante.completa 18-Oct-2003 08:25 13K
the-art-of-building-format-string.html 12-Apr-2003 01:10 33K
vuln.TCP-2004.04.20-BGP.etc-NISCC-236929.html 12-Oct-2004 21:11 52K
vuln.TCP-2004.04.20-BGP.etc-US.CERT-TA04-111A.html 12-Oct-2004 21:11 15K
index of parent directory
Absolute BSD - The Ultimate Guide to FreeBSD.pdf 24-Jan-2006 23:08 7.8M
Apache Server 2 Bible.pdf 24-Jan-2006 23:08 3.4M
CtrlAltDel.html 28-Jan-2006 19:57 2.0K
Managing NFS and NIS 2nd edition.pdf 24-Jan-2006 23:09 1.9M
Network Troubleshooting Tools.pdf 25-Jan-2006 16:56 2.6M
OReilly.Python.and.XML.pdf 25-Jan-2006 16:55 2.0M
RedHatEnterprisePerfTuning.pdf 22-Dec-2005 17:46 1.5M
The OpenBSD Packet Filter FAQ.pdf 25-Jan-2006 16:54 333K
Virtual Private Networks 2nd.pdf 25-Jan-2006 16:54 1.7M
bic-kernel-2.6.13.patch 18-Feb-2006 11:48 1.2K
cubic-kernel-2.6.13.patch 18-Feb-2006 11:48 17K
icmp-mtu.tar.gz 22-Dec-2005 17:48 4.7K
icmp-quench.tar.gz 22-Dec-2005 17:48 4.6K
icmp-reset.tar.gz 22-Dec-2005 17:48 7.8K
linux-2.6.13.tar 18-Feb-2006 05:54 209M 22-Dec-2005 17:48 5.8M
redp3861.pdf 22-Dec-2005 17:46 2.5M
redp3862.pdf 22-Dec-2005 17:46 2.9M
sack-fastpath-kernel-2.6.13.patch 18-Feb-2006 11:48 17K
index of parent directory
(ebook) O'Reilly - Understanding the Linux Kernel.pdf 28-Jul-2005 06:26 3.1M
10 Tips for Creating a Network Analysis Report - NetWare Con.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:23 288k
10 Truths of Troubleshooting.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:22 74k
Advanced Packet Filtering.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:22 151k
Analysis ROI 020103.xls">Analysis ROI 020103.xls 03-Jan-2006 08:22 0k
Analysis ROI.pdf">Analysis ROI.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:22 79k
Analyzing FTP Communications - NetWare Connection.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:23 173k
Analyzing SMTP.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:34 3.1M
Analyzing Telnet.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:36 2.3M
AppAnalysisForm.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:23 42k
Basic Packet Filtering.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:23 173k
Broadcast & Multicast Storms.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:23 31k
Carnivore.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:23 88k
Component Technologies for the Middle Tier CCM, EJB, COM+.pdf 28-Jul-2005 06:21 1.2M
DefconX.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:23 80k
EtherPeek Demo - 10 Cool Things.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:25 328k
Ethereal Capture Filters.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:24 116k
Ethereal Display Filters.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:24 119k
Ethernet Switches.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:23 0k
Fragmentation - The Good, Bad and Ugly-b.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:28 0k
ICMP-Good-Bad-Ugly.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:37 397k
IP and ICMP Statistics.pdf 03-Jan-2006 09:02 300k
Inside DHCP-b.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:40 238k
Inside the TCPIP Handshake.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:39 337k
Introduction to Packet Level Analysis - Brainshare.pdf 03-Jan-2006 09:00 1.9M
Is Your Network Connected-b.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:46 310k
Linux - Shell Scripting Tutorial - A Beginner's Handbook.pdf 28-Jul-2005 06:21 1.1M
Linux - Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours.pdf 28-Jul-2005 06:32 7.1M
Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial.pdf 28-Jul-2005 06:17 170k
MiM Attacks.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:37 82k
NetWare Link Services Protoco1-b.pdf 03-Jan-2006 09:02 276k
NetWare Link Services Protocol-b.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:32 311k
Network Analysis 101-b.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:33 348k
Network Analysis Alarms.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:33 31k
O'Reilly - COM+ Programming with MS Visual Basic (CHM).chm 28-Jul-2005 06:23 2.3M
OS Fingerprinting with ICMP.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:38 531k
Onsite Network Analysis-b.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:36 276k
Routing Sequences for ICMP.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:39 44k
Sniffer - Using the Capture Panel.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:45 1.5M
Sniffer - Using the Dashboard.pdf n-2006 08:46 58k
The Security Risks of Network Sniffers.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:46 81k
Toollist-2003.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:47 169k
Trench Time - Ports to Watch.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:47 71k
UDP-ICMP-Traceroutes.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:52 1.2M
Understanding COM+.chm 28-Jul-2005 06:31 7.8M
Understanding the FTP PORT Command.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:49 408k
Using ICMP to Troubleshoot TCP-b.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:51 348k
Using the Sniffer Capture Panel - NetWare Connection.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:51 72k
You're Being Watch - Cyber Crimes Scans.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:52 129k
autoframe.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:22 52k
avoid.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:22 102k
cybercrime.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:35 2.2M
dhcptags.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:24 120k
hexchart.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:25 42k
ipv6res.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:36 36k
n-saplist.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:34 177k
n-sockets.pdf 03-Jan-2006 08:35 201k
portlist.pdf 03-Jan-2006 09:01 152k
syntax.pdf" 03-Jan-2006 08:45 16k
Building.Internet.Firewalls(2nd.edt.2000).pdf 27-Aug-2006 04:38 4.9M
Firewall.and.Proxy.Server.HowTo..pdf 27-Aug-2006 04:38 184k
Firewall.and.Proxy.Server.HowTo.pdf 27-Aug-2006 04:38 114k
Network.Security.with.Open.SSL.(2002).pdf 27-Aug-2006 04:38 2.4M
Practical.Firewalls.pdf 27-Aug-2006 04:38 3.2M
01-conceitos.pdf 28-Mar-2003 17:35 94k
02-prevencao.pdf 28-Mar-2003 17:36 118k
03-privacidade.pdf 28-Mar-2003 17:36 78k
04-fraudes.pdf 28-Mar-2003 17:36 93k
05-banda-larga-wireless.pdf 28-Mar-2003 17:36 56k
06-spam.pdf 28-Mar-2003 17:36 48k
07-incidentes.pdf 28-Mar-2003 17:36 67k
08-checklist.pdf 28-Mar-2003 17:36 48k
09-glossario.pdf 28-Mar-2003 17:36 40k
3com Security on Data over Systems 100599.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:13 552k
5200.28-STD.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:13 413k
ADM_Checklist.pdf 28-Mar-2003 17:36 37k
ADM_Redes.pdf 28-Mar-2003 17:37 267k
Cisco ACL.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:13 19k
Cisco Configuring PIX Firewall.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:13 82k
Cisco IP VPN Solutions for Service Providers 280599.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:13 1.1M
Cisco ISP Security Issues.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:13 2.0M
Cisco ISP Security Issues.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:14 4.0M
Cisco Increasing Security on IP Networks 190996.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:13 83k
Cisco Internet Firewall Technology Tutorial 280599.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:13 1.8M
Cisco Secure Internet Access - VPNs.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:14 1.9M
Demystifying Cisco Access Control Lists.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:14 32k
Demystifying Cisco Access Control Lists.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:14 14k
FAQ 30-Dec-2002 16:14 1.8M
FAQ Network Intrusion Detection Systems.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:14 390k
FAQ Windows NT Security.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:14 455k
FAQ 30-Dec-2002 16:14 53k
FIPS PUB 191 Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 191.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:14 352k
GTER13-Detecao_Ataques_Netflow.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:15 273k
Hacking Cisco Routers.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:15 19k
IPSec.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:15 46k -Dec-2002 16:15 3.7M
ISS Real Secure.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:15 97k
Microsoft Proxy Server Security Evaluation.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:15 630k
Microsoft Understanding PPTP.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:15 341k
Microsoft Windows NT PPTP.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:16 338k
Microsoft Windows NT Server Security Features.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:16 1.3M
Motorola vpn-vanguard340.ZIP 30-Dec-2002 16:16 8k
NCISSE_practices.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:16 81k
NCSC-TG-005.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:16 1.2M
Network_Sniffing.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:16 164k
Nokia Firewall IP 600.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:16 144k
PROXIES.ZIP 30-Dec-2002 16:19 40k
Paper - Detec%e7%e3o de Intrus%e3o em Toda a Empresa.PDF 30-Dec-2002 16:16 2.3M
Paper Com%e9rcio Eletr%f4nico.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:16 6.4M
Paper Considera%e7%f5es de Seguran%e7a em Redes de Cabo N%edvel 2 para Tr%e1fego IP.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:16 959k
Paper Crypto overview.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:17 2.5M
Paper Firewall.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:17 516k
Paper Hacking.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:17 2k
Paper Internet Security Policy.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:17 953k
Paper Introduction to Internet Security 2.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:17 213k
Paper Introduction to Internet Security.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:17 256k
Paper Intrusion detection with TCPDUMP.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:17 88k
Paper Managing Employee Internet Access.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:17 808k
Paper Norma DNS Server.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:17 6k
Paper Norma Seguran%e7a.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:18 17k
Paper Norma Solicita%e7%e3o.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:18 6k
Paper Practical.Exercise.Securing.OpenVMS.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:18 103k
Paper Pr%e1ticas de Seguran%e7a.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:18 264k
Paper SPAM.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:19 69k
Paper Security Considerations at MCI.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:18 568k
Paper Seguranca Redes.pdf 16-Jul-2003 09:00 316k
Paper Seguran%e7a NCISSE.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:18 81k
Paper Seguran%e7a WWW.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:18 96k
Paper VPN Virtual Private Networks.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:19 296k
Paper Windows NT seguranca.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:19 379k
Quebra Senhas Nortel.txt 30-Dec-2002 16:19 1k
Router Security Confg Ghide.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:19 2.3M
SEC-2007.pdf 06-Mar-2005 21:50 1.2M
Securing-Optimizing-Linux-RH-Edition-v1.3.pdf 06-Mar-2005 21:46 4.9M
Seguran%e7a em Unix.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:19 96k
Seguran%e7a no Backbone.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:19 55k
Seguran%e7a.ZIP 30-Dec-2002 16:19 401k
SpecialReportIPVPNs.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:20 531k
WG SPAM.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:20 4k
WatchGuard Eval v1.5.doc 30-Dec-2002 16:20 122k
csirts.pdf 07-Mar-2005 08:00 85k
gter14worm.ppt 30-Dec-2002 16:15 4.3M
mac_address_cloning.pdf 30-Dec-2002 16:15 158k
This is an archive of various document about network flow analysis and how this pertains to the Holt Winters forecasting method.
Network Analysis
.RData 108.8 KB 2005-May-25
.Rhistory 3.9 KB 2005-May-25
06_03_end_arima_corrected[1].pdf 134.4 KB 2005-Feb-04 A practical approach to forecast Quality of Service parameters considering outliers
35JS_Lyon_Melard.pdf 23.5 KB 2004-Oct-20 Using a spreadsheet for temporal series analysis
173.pdf 1.1 MB 2005-Feb-04 A Signal Analysis of Network Traffic Anomalies
511-Classification_Final.pdf 1.8 MB 2005-Jan-04 Flow classification using historgrams (FR)
538-Sigmetrics04.pdf 455.9 KB 2005-Jan-04 How to Identify and Estimate the Largest Traffic Matrix Elements in a Dynamic Environment
2004-008-whole-network-anomalies.pdf 262.4 KB 2005-Mar-04 diagnosing network wide traffic anomalies
2004-020-traffic-flow-anomalies.pdf 102.6 KB 2005-Mar-04 characterization of network-wide anomalies in traffic flows
accurate-scalable-in-network.pdf 185.1 KB 2005-Feb-04 Accurate, Scalable InNetwork Identification of P2P Traffic Using Application Signatures
al.dat 642.0 B 2004-Oct-21 sample data file
an-empirical-analysis-of.pdf 1.4 MB 2005-Feb-04 an empirical analysis of target resident dos filters
Annex_B_The_Holt-Winters_forecasting_method.pdf 30.5 KB 2004-Oct-20 How HoltWinters forecasting works
Annex_C_The_cubic_spline_interpolation_method.pdf 36.0 KB 2004-Oct-20 How CubicSpline interpolation works
appendix-timeseries-regression.pdf 176.8 KB 2004-Oct-21 appendix to R and S-plus to applied regression
automated_generation_of_alert_graphs.pdf 154.6 KB 2005-Mar-04 constructing attack graphs in network security context
barbara-sdm01[1].pdf 152.6 KB 2005-Feb-04 detecting novel network intrusion using bayes estimators
barford01characteristics[1].pdf 458.2 KB 2005-Mar-03 characteristics of network traffic flow anomalies
barford02signal.pdf 1.1 MB 2005-May-25 A Signal Analysis of Network Traffic Anomalies
BasicForecastingMethods.ppt 2.1 MB 2004-Oct-19 slides presenting various methods of forecasting
Behavior-Based.pdf 133.4 KB 2004-Oct-05 behaviour based ids, lanscope
bier.dat 2.8 KB 2004-Oct-21 data file
brutlag.pdf 116.4 KB 2004-Oct-21 aberrant behaviour detection in time series for network monitoring
cabrera01proactive[1].pdf 109.3 KB 2005-Feb-04 proactive detection of distributed denial of services attacks using mib traffic variables
characterization-of-network-wide.pdf 146.4 KB 2005-Feb-04 Characterization of Network-Wide Anomalies in Traffic Flows
comparing-data-streams-using.pdf 148.5 KB 2005-Feb-04 Comparing Data Streams Using Hamming Norms (How to Zero In)
Cours-prevision-Oct-2004.ppt 1,010.0 KB 2004-Oct-20 FR
cow.dat 225.0 B 2004-Oct-20 data file
D-034[1].pdf 42.9 KB 2005-Feb-04 Previsi??e demanda de servicios de banda ancha
data.csv 11.6 KB 2004-Oct-20 data file
data2.txt 13.8 KB 2004-Oct-20 data file
DebWes01.pdf 223.7 KB 2004-Jul-05 Aggregation and Correlation of Intrusion detection alerts
demoHW.xls 63.0 KB 2004-Oct-19 excel demo for Holtwinter forecasting
detecting-traffic-anomalies-at.pdf 464.8 KB 2005-Feb-04 Detecting Traffic Anomalies at the Source through aggregate analysis of packet header data
dibsoverview.ppt 720.5 KB 2004-Dec-15 early detection of internet worms
DSS_Interface_Project.xls 277.0 KB 2004-Oct-20 HoltWinter estimation using excel 449.0 KB 2004-Jul-05 reviews of existing event correlation products and discusses correlation of elvin traffic
emsoft03 (1).pdf 174.9 KB 2004-Jul-05
emsoft03.pdf 186.7 KB 2004-Jul-05 Event Correlation: Language and Semantics
epfl_summer_workshop.pdf 586.5 KB 2004-Oct-19 internet performance measurement
etsfnnm.pdf 121.1 KB 2005-Feb-04 Evolving Time Series Forecasting Neural Network Models
euexp.dat 334.0 B 2004-Oct-21 data file 630.5 KB 2005-Feb-04
forecasting.pdf 99.7 KB 2004-Jul-19 simple description of forecasting algorithms (HW or BoxJenkins)
forecasting_teaching_plan.pdf 26.5 KB 2004-Oct-20
Forecast Pro brochure for web.pdf 2.2 MB 2004-Oct-20 1.4 MB 2004-Oct-20
fpbrochure(1).pdf 166.5 KB 2004-Oct-20
fSeries.pdf 370.8 KB 2004-Oct-21 financial software collection for R
fullrefman.pdf 11.2 MB 2004-Oct-21 R usage/programming guide
holtwin.xls 183.0 KB 2004-Oct-20 hw calc using excel
hussain03framework.pdf 612.7 KB 2005-Feb-04 A Framework for Classifying Denial of Service Attacks
idamap99-09.pdf 542.4 KB 2005-Feb-04 modeling multivariate time series
ieee_trans_networking_2001.pdf 479.9 KB 2004-Oct-20 realtime estimation of the parameters of long range dependence
ijofpaper.pdf 266.4 KB 2004-Oct-19 Long lead-time forecasting of UK air passengers by Holt Winters
imi_korea_august_2004.pdf 12.0 MB 2004-Oct-19 Network Tomography and Internet Traffic Matrices
intv2-8[1].pdf 87.0 KB 2005-Feb-04 Interpreting Network Traffic: A Network Intrusion Detector.s Look at Suspicious Events
kruegel03acsac.pdf 365.3 KB 2005-Feb-04 Bayesian Event Classification for Intrusion Detection
lakhina03structural.pdf 693.4 KB 2005-Feb-04 structural analysis of network traffic flows
lakhina04diagnosing.pdf 440.6 KB 2005-Feb-04 diagnosing network wide traffic anomalies
MakridakisbyFaria.pdf 122.9 KB 2004-Oct-20 Review of book on forecasting
manual-a4.pdf 1.4 MB 2004-Oct-20 gretl manual / gnu regression econometrics and TS library
markopoulou04characterization.pdf 669.7 KB 2005-Feb-04 characterization of failures in ip backbone
martingale_queueing_systems.pdf 333.6 KB 2004-Oct-19
mizuno92security.pdf 117.9 KB 2005-Feb-04 a security flow control algorithm and its denotational semantics correctness proof
monitor-ethernet1-2.dump 16.4 KB 2004-Oct-21
monitor-ethernet1-2.txt 125.8 KB 2004-Oct-20
monitor-ethernet1-2.xls 109.0 KB 2004-Oct-21
monitor-ethernet1-2.xml 125.8 KB 2004-Oct-20
monitor-ethernet1-hour.html 183.3 KB 2004-Oct-20
monitor-ethernet1.dump 106.5 KB 2004-Oct-21
monitor-ethernet1.xml 1,013.5 KB 2004-Oct-20
mont1-2.csv 5.9 KB 2004-Oct-21
mont1-3.csv 6.0 KB 2004-Oct-21
moon.pdf 443.4 KB 2004-Nov-05 detection of routing loops and analysis of its causes
MorDeb03.pdf 206.5 KB 2004-Jul-05 Correlation of Intrusion Symptoms : an Application of Chronicles
MPC03-153[1].pdf 2.6 MB 2005-Feb-04 Automated Data Collection, Analysis, and Archival.
nsfpi0402.pdf 45.6 KB 2004-Jul-19 correlating heterogeneous measurement data to achieve system-level analysis
nts13-roughan.pdf 87.4 KB 2004-Oct-20 IP Forwarding Anomalies and Improving their Detection Using Multiple Data Sources
opr02MUC.pdf 610.2 KB 2005-Jan-04 Flow Classification by Histograms
OSSIM-desc-en.pdf 252.3 KB 2004-Jun-29 Open Source Security Information Management
paper336.pdf 38.6 KB 2005-Mar-02 Application of Neural Networks to Intrusion Detection
pegels.pdf 141.3 KB 2005-May-08 Forecasting based on state space models for exponential smoothing
ppoly-spyce-pdf-May-04.pdf 335.8 KB 2004-Jul-19 Probabilistic Polynomial-Time Process Calculus for Security Protocol Analysis
protection-against-ddos-attacks.pdf 136.7 KB 2005-Feb-04 Protection Against DDoS Attacks Based On Traffic Level Measurements 504.4 KB 2005-Feb-04
randwalk.xls 119.0 KB 2004-Oct-20
rrdtool.ppt 70.5 KB 2004-Dec-02 RRDTOOL presentation
r_workshop.pdf 521.0 KB 2004-Oct-20 Statistical Analysis with R - QuickStart
S10P02.pdf 148.5 KB 2005-Feb-04 Comparing Data Streams Using Hamming Norms
saiscos.pdf 56.1 KB 2004-Oct-21
SAMOA-Bibliografie[1].pdf 559.4 KB 2005-Feb-04 Annotierte Bibliographie zumThemenkreis : Mobile Agenten und Intrusion Detection Systeme
sdm02-13.pdf 178.7 KB 2005-Feb-04 Extracting Precursor Rules from Time Series
server_flows.pdf 94.0 KB 2005-Feb-04 Behavioral Authentication of Server Flows
sigmetrics_2003_poster.pdf 106.1 KB 2004-Oct-20 Performance of estimated traffic matrices in traffic engineering
sigmetrics_2004.pdf 40.7 KB 2004-Oct-20 Combining Routing and Traffic Data for Detection of IP Forwarding Anomalies
sketch-based-change-detection.pdf 204.6 KB 2005-Feb-04 Sketchbased Change Detection: Methods, Evaluation, and Applications
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StormCast.pdf 944.7 KB 2005-Feb-04 A cooperative caching system using GDSP algorithm
Streilein-Detection-Paper[1].pdf 1.1 MB 2005-Feb-04 Detecting Flood-based Denial-of-Service Attacks with SNMP/RMON
thesis.pdf 1.9 MB 2005-Feb-04 Design and implementation of a network resource service for QOS aware servers
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traffic-flow-anomalies.pdf 2.7 MB 2005-Feb-04 Characteristics of Network Traffic Flow Anomalies
TRB2003-000655[1].pdf 170.0 KB 2005-Feb-04 Effect of Missing Value Imputations on Traffic Parameters
ts_r_intro.pdf 276.6 KB 2004-Oct-20 Time Series Analysis with R
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index of parent directory
Abdelzaher 2004 A Communication Architecture and Programming Abstractions for Real-Time Embedded Sensor Networks.pdf 20-Jun-2005 14:20 60k
Akyildiz 2002 Wireless sensor networks a survey.pdf 29-May-2005 15:25 266k
Al-Karaki 2004 Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks A Survey.pdf 30-Jan-2005 23:28 435k
Augustin 2005 Pocket Switched Networks Real-world mobility and its consequences for oppourtunistic forwarding.pdf 06-May-2005 20:25 766k
Elson 2005 Wireless Sensor Networks A New Regime for Time Synchronization.pdf 15-May-2005 10:57 81k
Englund 2004 RFID in Wireless Sensor Network.pdf 27-Mar-2005 11:43 705k
Goodman 2004 The Wireless Internet Promises and Challenges.pdf 15-May-2005 10:52 145k
Hill The Platforms ENABLING Wireless Sensor Networks.pdf 23-Mar-2005 22:50 152k
Huang 2005 Dynamic Coverage in Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks.pdf 23-Mar-2005 23:06 196k
Intel 2005 Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks.pdf 20-May-2005 09:37 182k
Krco 2005 P2P Mobile Sensor Network.pdf 23-Mar-2005 22:44 258k
Lewis 2004 WirelessSensorNetChap04.pdf 29-May-2005 15:32 1.9M
Megerian 2002 Exposure in Wireless Sensor Networks Theory and Practical Solutions.pdf 23-Mar-2005 23:03 288k
WSN 2005 Lectures/ 18-Sep-2005 17:54 -
Want 2004 Enabling Ubiquitous Sensing with RFID.pdf 27-Mar-2005 12:25 633k
cs451-WSN-UVa.pdf 20-Jun-2005 14:40 82k
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